

During a recent coaching session my coach guided me to feel and see and hear my unique vision and purpose. It was purple/violet, radiated from my heart and chest and eventually filled up my whole body. I stepped into my purpose and it became a part of me. My body immediately straightened and became more open. I felt present, alive and full of energy.

The first thing I do in the morning is to ask myself “Why am I doing what I am doing?”. I let the answers arise in my body and mind in whichever way they want to appear – thoughts, pictures, smells, feelings, tastes, noises, sensations. And what it boils down to is EMPOWERMENT. I am here to become my most empowered self and support women to be their most empowered selves.

As you know there are many ways to reach a destination. Just like there are many paths on which you can reach the top of a mountain, there are many ways to become fully empowered. The tools I love to use are pleasure, deep presence in the body and self-acceptance. This is a path of love. It is deep, transformative work and recognizes you as whole, unbroken and wise. You are the expert of your life. Sometimes we forget that and need somebody to remind us of our greatness. This is why I get myself support – this isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity. And even when my coach uses the same tools that I use, there is a special kind of magic happening when you are really seen, heard and witnessed by another person.

What is your purpose? Do you see it clearly or does it feel vague? Comment below.



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