
Your path is unique

We cannot help but change during our lives. Some of this change is unconscious and life is just happening to us and some change is deliberate and we try to change our behavior in a certain way. On this path of healing, transformation, shedding or integration we will see others who seem to be further ahead. But do you really know what is going on for them? And what is this path anyway? It’s not like the motorway between Vienna and Salzburg going straight from situation to the desired outcome with no detours, stops, going backwards or getting lost. Our life path rather looks like the plain where the water finds its way through the landscape, finding its way underneath trees between rocks and fields.

When a lot of drops go the same way, a river forms and it might look like this is THE way. But even rivers have side rivers that end in a swamp or find their way back to the main stream of water. Over time rivers even change their course altogether. The next drop of water can still choose a different way through the land and is still right. It might even end up somewhere else and who are we to say that this drop of water shouldn’t be over there, but here with the others? What if it went where no drop went before and enabled one seed in the ground to bloom?

Your path is your own and there is no point comparing yourself to others. Nobody is ahead and nobody is behind. This only comes up if you have a goal. And even with a goal it’s not always clear who is closer to it. Life works in waves. One of my teachers said that we go in spirals. We often come back to similar situations or challenges and might think that we haven’t improved a bit, haven’t learnt anything. That we go in circles. What if you changed your perspective? Looking from the top it seems like you are back to where you have already been. Looking from the side you notice that you are actually one level further compared to the last time. In the meantime you learnt something and this time you will move through the challenge easier and faster.

Trust the process.

Trust your pussy.


With Love,



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