
How to experience pleasure in your next business meeting

This is not about going to dream world or fantasizing through your day.
This is about you experiencing pleasure whenever TF you want. At home? Yes! At a party? Yes! At work? Of course! I would even argue that this often is the place we need it the most. Agreed? Then let’s get real.

First, the basics:
WHAT do you need to experience pleasure? Yes, your BODY.
WHO do you need to experience pleasure? You tell me, but the minimum is: YOURSELF.

Then the How:
What do you find pleasurable? Firm touch, a light stroke, tickling, relaxing your face, running your hands through your hair, pulsating your pelvic floor muscles, gently blowing on your skin… Make your own list.

You are responsible for your pleasure.
It is in your power to experience pleasure whenever you want.
Maria Hubmann
Sex and Pleasure Coach

Lastly, the action:
That’s an easy one. Wherever you are, your body is as well, covering the basics for pleasure: your body and you.
So let’s add an action from your list. As it could be awkward to ask your colleague to massage your shoulders during a lab meeting or strategy meeting, just do it yourself. Put the phone aside, stretch your fingers and go! Caress your forearm and face, pulsate some muscles and touch your breasts (you won’t be first one to do that and my mission is that you will definitely not be the last!).

Bonus step, but really not optional at all, but instead the whole point of this:
Be present with the sensations in your body, really take in the feelings of this delicious belly rub or short hand massage.
Don’t worry if anybody notices anything. Most probably everyone is in their own world and doesn’t pay attention to a small movement. And if someone does, smile at them – you are feeling good after all 🙂

Tell me what you did in the comments below!




  • Touch yourself in a pleasurable way.
  • Do it at your next social event.
  • Do it at your next meeting.
Do you want to feel orgasmic pleasure in your body again and bring your pussy alive?

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