
It is THIS person who makes you happy!

Who do you think this person is? Can it be one or many? As always, I share my thoughts on this topic and invite you to try it on for size. I don’t want to convince you, but offer more options of thinking about it and you decide which thought is the most useful for you now.

We have learned to seek pleasure outside of us, in fact we often think that the outside is the only place that can give us what we want. We want happiness – this might mean we want to have endless vacations and our dream partner. So we need money to pay for the hotel and a person that behaves exactly like we want. Where do we find money and this person: on the outside.

Basically happiness might mean feeling calm and joyful and we think that the vacation and dream partner are going to give us these feelings. It’s possible for sure. However, the more straightforward way would be to create calmness and joy inside us ourselves.

Let’s look at this from another side. Imagine yourself as a teenager, who just fell in love for the first time. Whenever you see this magical being you adore so much, your head starts spinning, the butterflies go crazy in your stomach and the only important thing in life is being close to that other person. And when you are separate you might have doubts if the other really loves you and this feels awful. You need her/him for your good feelings and happiness. Now stop for a moment and think where you feel your excitement and joy. Do you feel them in your body? These sensations are yours and you are in charge of yourself. Isn’t that the most wonderful thing ever?


In both scenarios we want to feel certain emotions and seek their actualization on the outside – a vacation or another person. And what is truly happening is that we create these very emotions inside us. No doubt that our surrounding influences us and can enhance our experiences, but it is not the source of it. The source is in us.

This might just sound very esoteric to you. But again, it doesn’t matter if you believe it, the question is if it works for you. I encourage you to try it out. We all know the trick to smile for a minute when we feel down. It cheers us up, because our body is not separate from our thoughts or emotions. That’s why medicine recognizes psychosomatic diseases as a real thing.


Try this:

  1. What do you want to feel right now?
  2. Move your body like it would move in this emotion. Have the facial expression that comes with the emotion. Sound like you would sound when feeling this emotion. ALLOW THE EMOTION.





  • We usually seek emotions like happiness on the outside.
  • We really create emotions like happiness in the inside.
  • Action: Embody your desired emotion and notice what happens.
  • Recognize who is in charge of your inner life.
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