
What is the most loving thing I could do for me right now?

Seriously, why did I have to become 35 years old to hear this question for the first time?!? Instead I got asked / told “You don’t want to disappoint your mother, right?” “Be a nice girl and do ___.” “Don’t be so stubborn!” “One more bite for grandma, one more bite for your neighbor, one more …” etc, etc. Basically I was here to please others, be nice and quiet. The sad thing is that I got really good at being and doing all those things. It’s sad because I disconnected from my desires and I did a lot of things to receive approval from others. This turned out to be quite unhealthy, because I depleted my energy working for other’s desires or what I thought were their desires (not the same thing!). In return I expected to receive love, acceptance and praise. I got that, but I also heard variations of “Not good enough.” and this cut deep. I was trapped in a dilemma: the more I gave, the more I craved for approval and the less I received it. Not fun at all! It was my trust in my body’s wisdom that saved me. I knew that I had to get out of this situation and rebuild the basis of my worth within me, instead of my environment. I took a leap of faith and trust that my inner guidance in the form of bodily sensations and intuition will lead me to live my life with authenticity, passion and love.

One way to find your path in the heat of the moment, in situations where your vision in unclear and you seem to be stuck in dense fog is this simple question: “What is the most loving thing I could do for me right now?”. In the beginning you might not know which of the dozens of inner (and outer) voices is the answer. That is normal and totally ok. With practice you will get better and better at discerning the messages that come from love from the messages that are based in fear. I encourage you to trust your gut feeling and go for the unusual course of action. Maybe the one that feels uncomfortable, a bit scary or just unfamiliar. Also try the process of recognizing your YES and NO.

You’ve got this! You’ve got this! You’ve got this!




  • What is the most loving thing I could do for me right now?
  • Feel inside for the answer.
  • Dare to do something unfamiliar or scary.
  • You’ve got this!
Foto from, Steven Arenas
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