
I sleep a lot – so what?

I love sleeping, resting, lying around and looking into the sky. Does this make me a lazy person, who doesn’t get her stuff done? I definitely wouldn’t say so. I work hard when it is time to do so and I really enjoy that too.

One of my many superpowers is focus. I can focus on something for an hour straight (I’ve actually had it tested, because I also like tests 🙂 ). As you can imagine focus comes in very handy as a coach.
As so many other skills my focus has demands in order to fully come alive: my focus needs a quiet environment, especially no speaking. I respect that and am actively working to give myself exactly what I need, even when my friends or partner might find it strange. I regularly turn down the volume of the radio, already in the morning when I need to prepare myself for the day. I leave the room when it is too loud for me. I tell people to be quiet. All of this is self-care and I see it as my responsibility to take care of myself.

You can call me crazy, but for my need of rest and sleep I have left my own party to go to bed or slept for a while in a full club at midnight. I regularly go to bed alone very early in order to be still and just with myself. I need this time to reflect, think, feel and get in touch with my body and my sensations. I sleep at least 8 hours per night and rest even more during the day. You could call it a waste of time. I call it a source of power.

However, I do a lot during those quiet minutes or hours. Instead of just letting my thoughts or feelings wander and create a story about something, I am present with them and find acceptance for them. At other times I might give them a voice and a bodily expression. Or I ask my pussy what she desires, which next steps I could take in my life or just be curious what comes up in this moment.

I feel that in our action-focused and outwards directed society it would be beneficial for all of us to stop, reflect and center every once in a while. This is risky, though, as we might find out that the action we’ve been taking for so long takes us far away from our core values in life. I am willing to take this risk. Along those lines I also speak up against action without clear and conscious aim and talking without thinking.
I am nowhere near mastery, but I take a break to adjust every once in a while. This act of changing my mind takes courage, because it means that I am a work in progress, ever changing and never right.

What is your experience with rest and stillness? Which rebellious act is your favorite?


With love,

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