
Why our lights matter

Every light matters. Photo by from Pexels

I shine and encourage you to shine as well.

Why does that matter? Because if I didn’t decide to be my own light in this world, nobody
would do it for me. And the whole world would miss out on my light.

  • My partner would miss deep connection and mind-blowing sex.
  • My friends would miss many easy-going evenings, spontaneous adventures and also some cringes as I openly talk about sex, pussy power or menstruation.
  • My family would miss a courageous daughter/step-sister/cousin/niece who follows her deep knowing and passion.
  • My former colleagues would miss an empowered woman who walked away from an unhealthy environment and started from scratch to be of service for women who strive for pleasure and freedom.
  • My fellow introverts and highly sensitive people would miss an example of living sanely and safely in this loud world.
  • Women and girls around the globe would have one less role model of what living from an alive feminine power source can look like.

Most importantly, I would miss so much pleasure, joy, power, dancing, sisterhood,
connection, trust in myself, intuition, expansion, flow and freedom.

It can be scary to switch on our authentic lights. 
It for sure is worth it.

What do you miss until you switch on your light?

Do you want to get to know your authentic femininity and embody her? I guide you to hear your inner voice and powerfully embody her.
With love,
Do you want to start embodying your authentic femininity by being fully present in your body?

Train you sensitivity with my free guided meditation. I regularly share valuable practices in my weekly e-letters to help you experience more exquisite pleasure in your daily life.

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