
It is ok to ask for help

There are times when everything is easy and in flow, when everything you touch works out, you have amazing sex and feel buzzing alive in your body. Let’s celebrate these experiences and enjoy them fully. You deserve them. Own your pleasure. It’s yours!

And there are moments when we feel down or stuck. Maybe we know what to do to improve the situation, but don’t do it for whatever reason. I see you.
During my difficult times I found it hard to ask for help. I thought I could solve it all alone and heal myself and others. I thought I had to do it all by myself, else the improvement wouldn’t be true or earned. I chose to believe those thoughts and the pain grew. Maybe I couldn’t do it alone? Maybe I don’t HAVE TO do it alone! So I looked for help and found a coach to support me emotionally. What a relieve! Not only did I learn tools to help myself, but I regularly met with a neutral person whose job it is to encourage, help and listen to me. What a gift.
In the said situation I still failed at changing others (obviously, because that’s not possible). I also couldn’t fix the situation. However, what I could do is change my position (both, point of view and physically getting out of the situation). The best about it: all this time I knew there was somebody who had my back.

Nobody needs to do everything alone. Humans are social beings and there is nothing like connecting to another person and being seen by her in joy and misery, for celebrations and support. You don’t need to do everything alone, but can ask for help.
Take a moment to think of all the people in your life you can reach out to. This is a big resource in your life.

Do you dislike asking for help, because it makes you seem weak / creates a kind of debt / makes you vulnerable? Remember that this is just a thought that you can stop believing. You can decide that asking for help is a sign of strength / connection / friendship / trust.

What do you want to believe?


with love,



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