
A common reason for an unfulfilling sex life

Imagine yourself having sex feeling pure bliss and ecstasy. Every small touch electrifies your whole body, the smell of your partner(s) is your perfume of pleasure and turns you on more and more. All your senses are highly awake and perpetuate your pleasure. You are one with yourself, present to everything and you feel fully alive.

For most women this is not their reality, or just something they remember from times past – sex with a new big love or with this one great lover years ago. Time seemed to have robbed you of all the excitement and even sensuality of sex. This is said to be normal. You better be grateful to have a loving partner and be willing to pay the price of deeply pleasurable and fulfilling sex for it.

I don’t agree. Your sex life is unfulfilling because you are disconnected from your body. 

Your partner’s smell isn’t your turn-on perfume any more because you don’t smell it anymore.
Touch doesn’t electrify you any more because you don’t feel it anymore. 

Your senses are asleep and so is your turn-on and pleasure. 

No matter how much your partner tries to rub the right spots or lick in the correct speed and shapes, you think about your fight with your colleague and what kind of dinner would impress the befriended couple that comes over next weekend.

Your own self-pleasure practice defies its name and really is a quick fix for the excess sexual energy that got triggered by the cute salesman at work today. 

Really, you are bored by yourself as much as by your romantic partner. You believe that a long-term partner equals boring sex. You don’t want to suggest something new – toys, bondage, a different time or location for sex – because you fear to be rejected or viewed as a whore or – God forbid – as ungrateful. Your partner might think that (s)he isn’t a good lover!



You stay quiet. You stay dissatisfied. You stay unfulfilled. You get resentful. You want your partner to read your mind. You want things to change while you want to keep everything the same. You tell yourself that sex isn’t for you, that sex is overrated. Sex and pleasure should come naturally. You are not sexy anymore. You are getting old.

You lose contact to your sexual self and you lose contact to your body. The very body that enables you to take in so much sensual pleasure becomes your enemy. You demand pleasure and your body doesn’t deliver like it used to. It must be broken.

Your body isn’t broken. It’s you who doesn’t use your body to her full capacity. Your body senses a plethora of sensory input all the time. Your body knows how your pussy feels, she recognizes your partner’s smell of sweat, the quality your hands run over your body when you take a shower. Your body tastes the richness of the raspberry you pick from the bush and sees the beauty of your arm crease. However, you are not aware of this. 

You are focused on the meeting tomorrow. You wrinkle your nose when your partner doesn’t smell like deodorant. You rub your body clean in a monotonous and robotic motion. You are worried about a stranger’s judgment of you on your way to the gym. You demand your body parts down there to perform on your timeline. 

In other words: You have lost your connection to your own body.

You barely feel her any more.

That is the real reason why your sex life sucks.

This is why you need to stimulate yourself more and more to get the same outcome – be that salt on your food, sugar in your tea, or pleasure during sex, let alone in your day to day life!

Your body isn’t broken. You aren’t broken. You just don’t use your body and her resources as skillfully as it would be possible.

Get closer, more intimate, more loving, more connected to your body and pleasure will come back to you in no time. Promise.


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