
My Wish for You

You already have the power and freedom to live a joyful, successful, and fulfilled life only YOU can live.

This Means …

It means that you don’t need external permission to start making your own decisions and going for your dreams.

It means that you don’t need to be saved to live a happy, successful, and fulfilling life, but you can start bringing it to reality now.

It means that the one standing between you and your dream life is you. You can step out of the way any time and take your next steps towards your best life.

It means that you don’t need to learn more, have more time, money or support to start living your dreams.

It means that you don’t need to wait for anything to happen in order to change your life.

It means that you are locking yourself up and that you can step out of your prison now, because you have the key in your hand. 

It means that you already have everything you need to become your most radiant, joyful and fulfilled self.

It means that all the reasons that prevent you from actively working towards your best life are excuses and not true.

It means that it is in your hands to bring in the changes that you most desire and create what you dream of.

It means that there is nothing you depend on to live happily and fulfilled.

It means that you can be gentle, empathic, and caring and still create your dream life.

It means that you don’t have to earn or prove your power and freedom in any way.

It means that you can continue to grow as a person or gain more knowledge and skills, but you don’t have to be perfect to bring out your best life. 

It means that you have to take responsibility for your life.

It means that you need to put yourself at the center of your life and set boundaries with others.

My Wish for You …

I wish for you to live your biggest, boldest, most true and authentic life.

I wish for you to take your dreams seriously and bring them alive with a cherry on top.

I wish for you to see yourself in the mirror and to feel yourself in your own life.

I wish for you to be the most true and radiant self that you can be.

I wish for you to recognize your immense power and limitless freedom and create a life from possibility, not fear. 

With love, joy, and freedom,


Start feeling your own body and pleasure.

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