
The Irrationality of rational decisions

The irrationality of rational decisions

How often have we been told that the best way to come to a decision is by weighing the pros and cons. You know, do a +/- list, count the items on each side and tadaa! you have your decision. If you want to do the fancy version of it, you assign points of importance to each item and then there shouldn’t be ANY doubt about the right decision.


Yes, but…

– how often did you ever follow through with the “right” decision? 70% of the time? 60%, or even less than half of the time? 

– did you think extra hard to add some items to the side that you wanted to win? Be honest with yourself.

– did you then google “yes no decision maker” and pressed the button that said “Oracle/Tarot/Here’s your destiny”? I for sure did and the question wasn’t “Should I wear the red dress today?” but “Should I take the job offer?” 


The way I see it is that pussy makes the best decisions. Pussy, pleasure, sensations, gut feeling, inner knowing, body wisdom, intuition. Call it what you like, but you’d be irrational to ignore it. 


– The moment somebody asks you out for a drink and you immediately know if you want that or not. The whole “I have to think about it” BS is just you trying to be polite and not wanting to disappoint anyone.

– When you scan the menu in the restaurant and your eyes linger a bit longer on the “Chocolate lover’s heaven in all physical states” and you feel yourself opening for this pleasure. 

– The warmth in your chest, the deepening breath and the instant relaxation when you think about sitting on the veranda of this house on the Portuguese coast. 


THIS is your truth in this moment. THIS is the decision. 

Pussy knows.

Start feeling your own body and pleasure.

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