
I long to hear the voice of every single woman loudly and proudly.

Maria pointing at you

I want to hear about your amazing listening skills.

I desire to know about your creative genius that makes your home look like paradise.

I want to know that you find a solution to every problem, no matter how impossible the situation may seem to others.

I long to hear about your magic of bringing people together to sort out challenges.

I love to hear how you bring joy and laughter to your communities.


Tell me about your razor sharp intellect and ability to understand problems inside out and from all perspectives.

Tell me about your story-telling skills and how you can create imaginary worlds with your words or your art, that draw people in and let them be part of a whole new world.

Tell me how you organized a huge event with an after-party and how you can easily oversee all the moving parts so they can dance together beautifully and create a day to remember.


Let us celebrate all of your expressions as your gift to the world.
Let us celebrate your unique spark that everyone feels instantly when they meet you.
Let us celebrate your gifts that don’t seem so special to you, but bring joy, ease and structure to your environment.


What are your special gifts, skills and talents?



Start feeling your own body and pleasure.

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