
Pleasure is everywhere

Have you ever disliked a certain food or taste and later came to like it? The taste of this food didn’t change, but apparently our perception or judgment of it did.

What would it look like if you’d taste everything like the very first time and allow your taste buds to take in all flavours of the food? Maybe you don’t like the first impression, but then there is some interesting flavour mix followed by a hint of sweetness or your favourite fruity taste. You might take another bite and find some more pleasure in the taste or texture.

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Being present
Experiencing pleasure has a lot to do with being PRESENT to what is – moment to moment.

I might not enjoy the whole experience, but some parts of it I might find exquisite. How was your day? Generally ok? Mainly exhausting? Quite good, wouldn’t it have been for this one annoying customer?

Now tell me about the laugh you had with your colleague, the customer who smiled at you, the smell of a good perfume or the fresh air coming through the open window. How did you feel then? How much did you allow yourself to enjoy it? How many pleasure-moments did you notice?

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Practicing the pleasure of smell
Feeling pleasure comes with practice.

Feeling good during a massage is easy for most of us, or enjoying a sip of fresh lemonade in summer. How good are we at enjoying the small pleasure life offers us all the time? The second sip of this lemonade usually isn’t as good as the first and the fifth is often just liquid we pour down while thinking about something completely different. The fresh lemony-sweet taste hasn’t changed, but our perception did. The last sip holds just as much potential for enjoyment as does the first.

By choosing pleasure over and over again you actively shape and change your life towards more fun and enjoyment. You decide.





  • Pleasure comes with being present
  • Pleasure expands with practice

To help you practice pleasure awareness I created a 5-day challenge on facebook with daily tasks.

Do you want to feel orgasmic pleasure in your body again and bring your pussy alive?

Train you sensitivity with my free guided meditation. I regularly share valuable practices in my weekly e-letters to help you experience more exquisite pleasure in your daily life.

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