
Get up and move!

Theory really is interesting. I love thinking about stuff. Yet knowledge only really comes alive with a practice.
If you read all about body awareness and expanding orgasms to your whole body and never tried it in real life, what value would that have for you? Could you teach this knowledge? Yes. Is the teaching more powerful when you have felt it yourself and embody it? Definitely. That’s why I will not only use my blog to share my truth with you, but also offer you a lot of practices that you can do immediately by yourself. This way you will feel what happens in your body – the practice comes alive inside you!

Both of these moves are easy to do and highly effective in energizing your body and clearing your mind. I invite you to try them right now and use them whenever you feel stuck either physically, emotionally or in thoughts.



Stand up and shake your body.
And shake.
Keep on shaking.
Continue to shake for five minutes straight.
Go on.
Nothing else.
Shake your legs, arms, shoulders, hips, trunk.
Try a sigh or other sound.
No special moves are needed, no thinking required, just simple shaking.

How was that? How do you feel afterwards? Fresher? Less stuck in your head? Nice, isn’t it? Comment below!


Now this is just as simple as shaking, but you also want to put on some music, that makes you feel like moving. Then let your body move the way it wants to move right in this moment.
Again, no special moves are required and you can also let go of thinking.
Do a “stupid” move, just for the fun of it 🙂

Enjoy your body and feel the aliveness. This is for you and for you only.





  • Shake
  • Dance
  • allow every movement
  • skip the thinking
  • enjoy your body
Do you want to feel orgasmic pleasure in your body again and bring your pussy alive?

Train you sensitivity with my free guided meditation. I regularly share valuable practices in my weekly e-letters to help you experience more exquisite pleasure in your daily life.

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