
19 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

I love getting to know people and I want to give you the chance to get to know me better. I’ve created 19 mini stories of all kinds from my life for you to enjoy.

1. I grew up in the countryside in the south of Austria.

We lived in the very outskirts of a small town surrounded by fields, forest, and a closed coal-mine my grandfather used to work at. The neighboring town had a still active coal burning steam power plant. And a waste dump wasn’t far either. It wasn’t exactly a pretty environment, but an interesting one 😉

2. I ran a marathon in 2016.

My running career started in Feb 2015 with my training for the 5 km women’s run in the green Prater of Vienna, which I finished in under 30 min. I was sooo proud and motivated! So I signed up for the half marathon along the Danube (read: flat and downstream) through the beautiful vineyards of the Wachau. I was fit, it was a sunny day in September and I finished in 2 hours. So, what next? I chose the marathon in my beloved Graz. I spent my mornings of 2016 running before work and even more running on the weekends. Finally, full of enthusiasm and joy I crossed the starting line and made my way through the inner city and along very empty, very boring streets on the edges of the town. And once more the same round. At around km 30 I wouldn’t get watered down Gatorade, but the pure stuff, which I wasn’t prepared for. After a few steps it came right up again where it came from. Well, plus onto my shoes, that are still discolored from it. After 5 hours and quite a bit of cheering from my partner, who ran alongside me (far too cheerily!) and some cheering from spectators on their way home I made it across the finish line! My body is awesome.

Maria after running a marathon
3. I weep a lot.

Emotional movies: tears guaranteed.

4. I spend my money on experiences, skills and knowledge.

In the last few years I’ve invested 45 000 € in coach trainings, business and personal development. I’ve invested in the most important thing in my life: me.

5. I felt not good enough as a biologist with a Master’s degree, but am totally fine with starting an art business with no training.

Isn’t that curious?

6. I love bread.

I have 2 types of sourdough cultures and make really good bread of all kinds. My preferred way of eating it is 2 cm thick slices with good butter. Mjam.

7. I bike.

I bike to work, to sport training, I ride in summer and in winter, in sunshine and rain. I love my bike and the freedom it brings. And I always get a parking space right in front of the venue 🙂

8. I love snakes.

My childhood garage not only housed our car, but also esculapian snakes of over a meter and every time I entered, I’d look for them with anticipation. They’d lie below the roof and warm up or crawl out the back door. They were majestic, strong and silent. When I was very lucky I could touch them. Feeling their warm-cool smoothness and flexible yet muscular body is a deeply satisfying and primal experience.

9. I touched a Komodo dragon’s tail.

In Indonesia I visited those rare reptiles in the wild. With a ranger and a constant sense of alertness I walked through their territory and sometimes came very close to them.

10. I have foodgasms.

Pleasure is everywhere. The ripples of pleasure are created in our own bodies and everything can be used as a starter. Food, movement, breath, touch, vision, sound (in my case a Flamenco performance in Granada), energy flow – it all had served me to experience -gasms.

11. I’m hypermobile

I can lick my own elbow.

12. I have a hereditary skin disease.

I easily get blisters, esp. on my feet in warm weather, which really sucks. Every summer holiday, every hike, every festival or city visit I experience joyfully and painfully. I am sad and angry about this.

13. I’ve had cosmetic surgery.

In my early 20s I had dental braces and a surgery to shorten my lower jaw. It happened that my surgeon suggested to also cut my chin bone and make it stick out a bit more to compensate for the shortened bone. I said yes and I look even better now than I did before. And I’m sometimes called Cyborg for the screws in my jaw bone which you can actually feel.

14. I practiced martial arts for almost 20 years.

In my teens I started practising Wing Tsun 3 times a week and stayed with it until recently. I’ve followed my main teacher through several style changes and had my ups and downs with it. I love the focus and body awareness martial art training asks of you.

15. I am obsessed with good chocolate.

I spend more money on chocolate than on clothing and I think that’s the way to do it. Which brand, you ask? The one and only Zotter.

16. I co-authored a science paper with the father of CRISPR.

We developed a very cool method to switch on or off the gene scissors CRISPR and I am deeply honored to have had the chance to work together with the wonderful and lovely CRISPR-Chris.

17. I’ve had a snail as a pet.

Hildegard loved White Russians, was very social, and took care of herself when we went on vacation. She stayed with us for 4 years and whenever I cut salad I think of her.

18. I love cuddling.

Does this need any more words? Cuddling is the best. 🙂

19. In primary school I had warts on my fingers.

I had quite many and some of them big. You know how you’re supposed to walk in rows of two during excursions out of the classroom? I could feel my classmates loosening their grip of my hand because of my warts. We tried everything to get rid of them from all kinds of plant juices to letting snails crawl over them (luckily I liked snails and the very special sensations they create on skin) all the way to full moon rituals. Eventually we succeeded and I have lived wart-free ever since.



Which stories can you relate to? Let me know a bit about your life! I’d love to get to know you better.


With love,


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