
What swimming in the 14,5 deg C-cold Danube has to do with pleasure-based living

Today is a wonderful day for taking a run – cool, cloudy and dry. So I jogged on the Danube island in Vienna. A bit cool in the beginning, but after half an hour my body was warmed up.

That’s when I saw the dark blue water and I felt the urge to swim.

I wanted to feel immersed in the water and feel it streaming over my bare skin.

I stopped, checked the water temperature and hesitated. No surprise there 🙂

Instead of turning away, I remembered to follow my desires.

I got naked, stepped down the ladder into the cool water – and waited a bit… before letting go of the railing and sinking into the clear water.

It wasn’t a long swim, but that doesn’t matter.

What matters is that I followed my pleasure of feeling the water surrounding me.

Pleasure-led experiences don’t need to be conventionally pleasurable, but they need to come from your inner desire.

When did you recently follow your inner desire? What was it?

Start feeling your own body and pleasure.

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