
Why affirmations do the opposite of what you use them for

Maria sitzt

Mantras or affirmations seem to be the straightest and easiest way to your dreams. You just tell yourself 24/7 that you are rich, beautiful and happy and tadaa! all your dreams come true in no time.

Or so they say.

If this doesn’t work, you should also write it on post-its everywhere you look during the day and if you’re still poor and unhappy and don’t like your body, you just need to try harder!

You better not think a single negative thought (whatever that is) ever or doubt that it’s working.

Still no results? You’re clearly doing wrong and you’re a failure. Try harder. Rinse and repeat.

The way I understand this approach is, that you tell yourself lies that you know are lies and don’t believe yourself and try to suppress your subconscious beliefs that call BS on your affirmations.

What a combination!

You bring your focus on the fact that you lack riches, beauty and happiness, because why else would you be frantically telling yourself “I am rich, beautiful and happy.”?

Your brain and body recognizes that something is fishy and you’ve got your resistance.

For the cherry on top you negate your experience and try to push down your thoughts and emotions.

All of this is the opposite of what I stand for and how I work successfully with my clients.

I invite you to look for the truth.

Anything that comes up has a place and deserves to be seen, heard and loved.

Resistance is a cue that we bring curiosity to.

Truth, not lies.

Love and acceptance, not repression and disconnect.

Curiosity, not judgment.

In tantra everything is alive and has consciousness – your desires, your joy, your fear, your pain, your body, your sensations.

Do you want to embrace life and surrender to it or limit and control it?

Got curious about my approach? Reach out and we’ll find out if we are a good fit for deeper work.

Love, joy and freedom,

Start feeling your own body and pleasure.

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